Covid-19 Antibody Test

Covid-19 Antikörper Test Packung

Abbildung eines Mikroskops


The specificity of the test is 94% -96% *. Cross-reactivity with other corona viruses were not found.

The sensitivity, which has been confirmed by independent, European laboratory institutes, is over 90% *.

Overall agreement: >94%*

*Studiendetails auf Anfrage

Bild einer Zulassung

International Approvals

- US FDA listing No. D383895 
- Korea MFDS Product-license No. 20-213


Easy to use

With just 10 microliters of capillary blood, serum or plasma, the result of the antibody determination is obtained after only 10 minutes.

The PettyPip helps with the simple and accurate collection of capillary blood (more on this in our video).

 The restult in 6 easy steps

Anwendungsbeispiel Covid-19 Antikörper Test
Anleitung SGTI-flex Covid-19 IgM/IgG mit PettyPip

Our products are only available to medical professionals.

In case you are interested in our products, do not hesitate to contact us.